🎉 2022.4: 我们的论文被TBD接收! 恭喜泌文和宏虹!
- 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目: 支持复杂检索模式的动态可搜索公钥加密, 2022年-2024年
- 国家博士后创新人才支持计划: 面向实用安全的新型可搜索加密关键技术研究, 2021年-2023年
- 重点实验室开放基金:支持复杂检索模式的动态可搜索公钥加密关键技术研究,2021年-2023年
Design of Cryptographic Schemes
Public key based searchable encryption with fine-grained sender permission control (Best Paper)
Zhongming Wang, Biwen Chen, Tao Xiang, Lu Zhou, Hongyang Yan, Jin Li
International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec)
Access control encryption without sanitizers for Internet of Energy
Peng Wang, Tao Xiang, Xiaoguo Li, Hong Xiang
Information Sciences, CCF Rank B
CL-ME: efficient certificateless matchmaking encryption for Internet of Things
Biwen Chen, Tao Xiang, Mimi Ma, Debiao He, Xiaofeng Liao
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Dual-server public-key authenticated encryption with keyword search.
Biwen Chen, Libing Wu, Sherali Zeadally, Debiao He
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
A blockchain-based searchable public-key encryption with forward and backward privacy for cloud-assisted vehicular social networks
Biwen Chen, Libing Wu, Huaqun Wang, Lu Zhou, Debiao He
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology