




🎉 2022.4: 我们的论文被TBD接收! 恭喜泌文和宏虹!


  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目: 支持复杂检索模式的动态可搜索公钥加密, 2022年-2024年
  • 国家博士后创新人才支持计划: 面向实用安全的新型可搜索加密关键技术研究, 2021年-2023年
  • 重点实验室开放基金:支持复杂检索模式的动态可搜索公钥加密关键技术研究,2021年-2023年

Design of Cryptographic Schemes

  • Public key based searchable encryption with fine-grained sender permission control (Best Paper)

    Zhongming Wang, Biwen Chen, Tao Xiang, Lu Zhou, Hongyang Yan, Jin Li

    International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec)

  • Access control encryption without sanitizers for Internet of Energy

    Peng Wang, Tao Xiang, Xiaoguo Li, Hong Xiang

    Information Sciences, CCF Rank B

  • CL-ME: efficient certificateless matchmaking encryption for Internet of Things

    Biwen Chen, Tao Xiang, Mimi Ma, Debiao He, Xiaofeng Liao

    IEEE Internet of Things Journal

  • Dual-server public-key authenticated encryption with keyword search.

    Biwen Chen, Libing Wu, Sherali Zeadally, Debiao He

    IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing

  • A blockchain-based searchable public-key encryption with forward and backward privacy for cloud-assisted vehicular social networks

    Biwen Chen, Libing Wu, Huaqun Wang, Lu Zhou, Debiao He

    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology